Tag Archive for: corruption
Effectivité des agences nationales anti-corruption en Afrique de l’ouest: Bénin, Libéria, Niger, Nigéria, Sénégal, Sierra Leone
Books, Français, Other, Politics and JusticeAvec plus de 100 milliards de dollars perdus chaque année, d’après certaines informations, à cause de la corruption et autres pratiques illicites, la lutte contre la corruption en Afrique fait face à d’énormes défis. Cependant, des lois et politiques aux niveaux continental, régional et national ont été promulguées et adoptées par les dirigeants africains. Au nombre de ces initiatives il y a la création d’agences spécialisées mandatées pour lutter contre la corruption au niveau national, ainsi que l’institution aux niveaux régional et continental des mécanismes pour assurer l’harmonisation des normes et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques dans la lutte contre la corruption.
Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Southern Africa: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Books, Politics and JusticeWith reportedly over USD100 billion lost annually through graft and illicit practices, combatting corruption in Africa has been challenging. However, laws and policies at the continental, regional and national levels have been promulgated and enacted by African leaders. These initiatives have included the establishment of anti-corruption agencies mandated to tackle graft at national level, as well as coordinate bodies at regional and continental levels to ensure the harmonisation of normative standards and the adoption of best practices in the fight against corruption.
Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Agencies in East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Books, Politics and JusticeWith reportedly over USD50 billion lost annually through graft and illicit practices, combating corruption in Africa has been challenging. However, laws and policies at the continental, regional and national levels have been promulgated and enacted by African leaders. These initiatives have included the establishment of anti-corruption agencies mandated to tackle graft at national level, as well as coordinate bodies at regional and continental levels to ensure the harmonisation of normative standards and the adoption of best practices in the fight against corruption.
Money and Morality: 2006 Transformation Audit
Books, Politics and JusticeSouth Africans are struggling to characterise the times we are living through. Is this a time of deepening grievance, of political patronage and plunder – or a season of hope and previously unimaginable opportunity for most?