Tag Archive for: nigeria

The Social Dynamics of Open Data

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The Social Dynamics of Open Data is a collection of peer reviewed papers presented at the 2nd Open Data Research Symposium (ODRS) held in Madrid, Spain, on 5 October 2016. Research is critical to developing a more rigorous and fine-combed analysis not only of why open data is valuable, but how it is valuable and under what specific conditions. The objective of the Open Data Research Symposium and the subsequent collection of chapters published here is to build such a stronger evidence base. This base is essential to understanding what open data’s impacts have been to date, and how positive impacts can be enabled and amplified. Consequently, common to the majority of chapters in this collection is the attempt by the authors to draw on existing scientific theories, and to apply them to open data to better explain the socially embedded dynamics that account for open data’s successes and failures in contributing to a more equitable and just society.

Effectivité des agences nationales anti-corruption en Afrique de l’ouest: Bénin, Libéria, Niger, Nigéria, Sénégal, Sierra Leone

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Avec plus de 100 milliards de dollars perdus chaque année, d’après certaines informations, à cause de la corruption et autres pratiques illicites, la lutte contre la corruption en Afrique fait face à d’énormes défis. Cependant, des lois et politiques aux niveaux continental, régional et national ont été promulguées et adoptées par les dirigeants africains. Au nombre de ces initiatives il y a la création d’agences spécialisées mandatées pour lutter contre la corruption au niveau national, ainsi que l’institution aux niveaux régional et continental des mécanismes pour assurer l’harmonisation des normes et l’adoption des meilleures pratiques dans la lutte contre la corruption.

Election Management Bodies in West Africa: A comparative study of the contribution of electoral commissions to the strengthening of democracy

This report is an in-depth study of electoral commissions in six countries of West Africa – Benin, Cape Verde, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone – assessing their contribution in strengthening political participation in the region.

Public Broadcasting in Africa Series: Nigeria

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This report on the broadcast media in Nigeria finds that liberalisation efforts in the broadcasting sector have only been partially achieved. More than a decade after military rule, the nation still has not managed to enact media legislation that is in line with continental standards, particularly the Declaration on Freedom of Expression in Africa. The report, part of an 11-country survey of broadcast media in Africa, strongly recommends the transformation of the two state broadcasters into a genuine public broadcaster as an independent legal entity with editorial independence and strong safeguards against any interference from the federal government, state governments and other interests.