Publication date
Book size
240 x 170 mm
Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014
By Felix Maringe and Martin Prew (eds)
Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014: An Independent Review presents a collection of 15 important essays on different aspects of education in Gauteng since the advent of democracy in 1994. These essays talk to what a provincial education department does and how and why it does these things – whether it be about policy, resourcing or implementing projects. Each essay is written by one or more specialist in the relevant focus area.
The book is written to be accessible to the general reader as well as being informative and an essential resource for the specialist reader. It sheds light on aspects of how a provincial department operates and why and with what consequences certain decisions have been made in education over the last 20 turbulent years, both nationally and provincially.
There has been no attempt to fit the book’s chapters into a particular ideological or educational paradigm, and as a result the reader will find differing views on various aspects of the Gauteng Department of Education’s present and past. We leave the reader to decide to what extent the GDE has fulfilled its educational mandate over the last 20 years.
Prof. Brahm Fleisch, Professor at the Wits School of Education and Head of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
“Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014 is an invaluable contribution to understanding both the challenges and the successes of system-wide education change in South Africa. Authored by some of the leading public sector managers and university scholars, it offers judicious narratives of the complex passage from policy to implementation to institutionalisation.”
Table of contents
List of acronyms v
List of tables and figures x
About the authors xiii
Acknowledgements xx
Foreword xxi
Chapter 1
Introduction 1
Martin Prew and Felix Maringe
Chapter 2
Gauteng Department of Education: A policy review 15
Shireen Motala, Seán Morrow and Yusuf Sayed
Chapter 3
Twenty years of curriculum development in Gauteng: Successes
and challenges 39
Felix Maringe
Chapter 4
Structure and governance of systems, stakeholder engagement,
roles and powers 61
AD Padayachee, Anusha Naidu and Tom Waspe
Chapter 5
Financing education in Gauteng: Using the budget to improve
opportunities 84
Raj Mestry
Chapter 6
Resourcing public ordinary schools 110
Gugu Nyanda
Chapter 7
Human resource management systems 137
Zakhele Mbokazi
Chapter 8
Teacher knowledge and professional development 153
Francine de Clercq and Yael Shalem
Chapter 9
Professional development: The cases of Sci-Bono Discovery
Centre and the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and
Governance 177
Tony Bush
Chapter 10
Early childhood education: Levelling the playing fields
in Gauteng 192
Lorayne Excell
Chapter 11
Working towards education for all in Gauteng 210
Elizabeth Walton
Chapter 12
Adult Education and Training in Gauteng 1994–2014: Dream,
reality, possibility 228
Edward French and Barbara Dale-Jones
Chapter 13
A case of unfinished business: The transformation of Further
Education and Training colleges in Gauteng 242
Anthony Gewer and Makano Morojele
Chapter 14
Change, access, quality and choice: The independent school
sector in Gauteng 1994–2014 262
Jane Hofmeyr
Chapter 15
Educational outcomes in Gauteng 1995–2011
An overview of provincial performance in standardised
assessments 289
Nicholas Spaull
Chapter 16
The carrot and the stick: School improvement through support
and accountability 313
Veerle Dieltiens and Brian Mandipaza